At Rygor, having grown from a truck haulage business ourselves, we understand more than most the importance of maintaining your trucks to maximise their uptime and ensure they’re as economical as possible to run.
At Rygor, we lead the way in developing Mercedes-Benz’ Zero Tolerance attitude to Downtime. We guarantee to take any unroadworthy vehicles into our workshops immediately and start work on them within a maximum of 2 hours.
Service24h also gives you roadside assistance and recovery 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Zero Tolerance on Downtime promise, which is exclusive to Complete Service Contract customers, also provides a free replacement vehicle if yours isn't fixed within 24 hours.
By minimising downtime, we focus on maximising your vehicle’s uptime. With intelligent connectivity and real-time monitoring, Mercedes-Benz Uptime prevents breakdowns before they happen. Watch the video below to find out how.
Here at Rygor, we want to try and provide a one-stop-shop for all of your servicing, repair and maintenance needs. That’s why we also offer Collision Repair from all of our service branches. Working alongside our Mercedes-Benz Approved Bodyshop partners, we’ve got you covered in the event of a knock or dent and help get your vehicle back to its original condition.